my hair my vibe tryptic

These are three representations of how hairstyle can change they way that a person looks and feels and in these works I used myself as an example. Using the three hairstyles I cycled through the most, I then took a word describing how that hairstyle made me feel then proceeded to create designs to fit those descriptions

thunderstorm is when I have my hair in an afro, it’s a chaotic mess and is usually in-between other hairstyles. The painting is reminiscent of this by its use of wild colours on the face and scrifito in the hair.

Tropical is my usual day to day look as it is me when im just being me I wanted it to be me as a temperature so I chose tropical. This painting is less about me as a figure but is more about the aura and vibe given off in this state, this is me trying to recreate my presence

lastly beatbox is a painting showing that when my hair when it is set up to be fancy for a party or something. this shows how the surroundings affect me on as the figure blurs into the background as this is a representation of me when i just want to go with the flow

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